Thursday, July 2, 2009

Operation Beautiful

I often find myself talking negatively about myself. It's not actually very much fun, and often throws oneself into a huge pity party. Last time I hosted a pity party, I served myself a whole pan of brownies. Further self-loathing shortly followed.

During a Relief Society lessons, I was told that it takes like 7 seconds for a thought to become a feeling. I'm pretty sure it's not gospel, but I'll take it for what it is. The idea is that when we have negative thoughts about ourselves, we have seven seconds to turn them around, before we start to feel badly about them. Practicing this will keep us from throwing frequent pity parties.

I used to write in dry erase markers things like, "You are beautiful.", "You are worth it." and "You deserve the best." on my mirrors. Then I got married, and thought that B would think that was silly. But it's amazing to me how powerful simple messages like that can be. It's hard to look at yourself and analyze the dimples and creases on your belly when you are staring at the words "You are beautiful."

I found the Operation Beautiful website recently, check it out.

And remember...

1 comment:

Camie Carrell Throneberry said...

Hi! I found your site at the Operation Beautiful site--I have always written notes on our mirrors for my 3 kiddos. I have 3 of 'em-20 yr W., 12 yr old E., and 11(going on 30)yr old V.{my only girl}-and I sneak in other notes as well-I've even done this for my boyfriend and my friends n family--I am linking your post to my website- TheForgottenOne -thank you!!